Collaboration with Saraswati Secondary School Tokha

We are very excited to share that we have two new cohorts of participants in Code Chautari Learning Center. 🙂 🥳
We had been working with the middle grade students of Shree Chandeshwari Secondary School in Tokha-2 since few months. Now, Shree Saraswati Secondary School in Tokha-3 has also joined hands with us in providing computer literacy and programming skills to high school students.

The two new cohorts consist of 28 students from grade 11 pursuing Computer Science, Business and Education, out of which 75% are female students and 25% are male.

We are very grateful to the school leaders of Shree Saraswati Secondary School for this collaboration. And, we are looking forward to support these students by providing skills that directly help in their current studies and job or their future aspirations. 🤝